State Flower: Flower
Updates in 2023:
Wyoming does not currently have policy related to soil health.
Updates in 2022:
Wyoming does not currently have policy related to soil health.
Updates in 2021:
Wyoming does not currently have policy related to soil health.
Agencies Involved
House Committee: Agriculture, State and Public Lands & Water Resources
Senate Committee: Agriculture, State and Public Lands & Water Resources
State Universities & Researchers
University of Wyoming: Land-grant university
Agricultural Organizations & Technical Assistance
Education & Advocacy Groups
There are organizations promoting healthy soils education including public events, but this has yet to lead to a process of updating state policy. The Powder River Basin Resource Council has allied with the Sheridan County NRCS office, Sheridan County Conservation District, University of Wyoming Extension & Research Station and the Sheridan County Land Trust to put on a yearly two-day regenerative agriculture event featuring an expert on building soil health on ranch lands. Ranchers across Wyoming are increasingly interested in regenerative agriculture practices to improve soil health. University of Wyoming extension agents and our county conservation districts have invested resources to help educate ranchers and farmers.
Media & Additional Resources