State Flower: Flower
Updates in 2023:
Updates in 2022:
HB4302 [LS], Conservation Districts Law of West Virginia – stalled in committee
SB264 [LS], Relating to the conservation districts law of WV – passed 3/12/2022, signed by Gov. Justice 3/28/2022
updates the conservation districts law, including ecosystem health and soil health. Clarifies that the State Conservation Committee and Conservation Districts of West Virginia are empowered to create and administer soil health programs In the “legislative determinations and declaration of policy”:
It is hereby declared, as a matter of legislative determination:
. . .
(c) Adopting sound conservation policies and practices is an investment in West Virginia’s Natural Resources and is a foundation for profitable, productive, and healthy ecosystems that are resilient and better able to withstand current and future environmental challenges.
(d) In recognition of the ever-increasing demands on West Virginia’s soil and water resources, it is declared the policy of the state that the State Conservation Committee and the State’s Conservation Districts, in cooperation with other state and federal agencies, political subdivisions, nongovernmental organizations, private landowners, and others, work to recommend and implement programs and policies that improve soil health and water quality.
Updates in 2021:
Agencies Involved
House Committee: Senate Agriculture and Rural Development Committee
Senate Committee: House Agriculture and Natural Resources – Agenda
State Universities & Researchers
West Virginia University: Land-grant university
West Virginia State College: Land-grant university
Agricultural Organizations & Technical Assistance
Education & Advocacy Groups
Media & Additional Resources
In case of any questions please contact