Washington Policy Page

State Flower: Flower

Legislative Status Update

Updates in 2023:


Updates in 2022:

SB5286 [LS], Establishing a statewide organic waste management goal, includes “[e]stablishing methods and practices for monitoring and improving soil health through the application of compost” – stalled in committee

HB1631 [LS], Supporting Washington’s food production system by providing technical assistance in support of improved voluntary environmental stewardship; includes “sustainable farms and fields advisors network is established at the commission to further assist agricultural producers and food processors in increasing energy efficiency and utilization of green energy, sequestering carbon, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, all of which can help reduce operating costs, improve soil health and crop yield, provide environmental cobenefits, and create new market opportunities in a green economy.” – stalled in committee

Updates in 2021:

SB5286, Establishing a statewide organic waste management goal; includes monitoring and improving soil health 

Healthy Soils Program

Legislative Information

Program Summary

Funding Sources

Lessons Learned

State Contacts & Resources

Agencies Involved

State Universities & Researchers