Vermont Healthy Soils Policy

State Flower: Flower

Legislative Status Update

Updates in 2023:

H.435 [LS] An act relating to a regenerative economy; includes regional economy plans that shall “(3) Create incentives for the development of regenerative agriculture that engages and empowers farmers in building healthy soils and integrating solutions for reducing carbon emissions, creating zero waste, and cleaning up waterways.” – in committee upon adjournment

Updates in 2022:

H.292 [LS], An act relating to a regenerative economy; includes incentives for soil health – stalled in committee

H.3 [LS], An act relating to the land application of sludge and septage (does not mention soil health); prohibits application of sewage or sludge to land, except that converted to exceptional quality biosolids – stalled in committee

S.258 [LS], An act relating to agricultural water quality, enforcement, and dairy farming; had “soil health” when filed, but amended bill does not, though has “soil quality” – signed and enacted 6/1/2022

Updates in 2021:

H.292, An act relating to a regenerative economy; includes incentives for soil health

Healthy Soils Program

Legislative Information

Program Summary

Funding Sources

Lessons Learned

State Contacts & Resources

Agencies Involved

State Universities & Researchers

Agricultural Organizations & Technical Assistance

Media & Additional Resources