State Flower: Flower
Updates in 2024:
HB1033 [LS] Address the administration of State Conservation Commission functions by the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources; includes addition of “promote soil health principles and practices” under “providing for furthering the conservation, development, utilization, and disposal of water” – delivered to Governor on 1/30/2024, signed 2/6/2024
SCR605 [LS] Affirming the value of grassland ecosystems and the importance of farmers and ranchers as managers; “resolved … that the grassland ecosystem of the Great Plains of North America can be part of the solution to improve water quality, support biodiversity, sequester carbon, maintain healthy soil, and provide habitat for wildlife, and that farmers and ranchers are crucial in conserving grassland ecosystems” – adopted by Senate 2/6/2024
Updates in 2023:
Agencies Involved
House Committee: Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee
Senate Committee: Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee
State Universities & Researchers
South Dakota State University: Land-grant university
Agricultural Organizations & Technical Assistance
Education & Advocacy Groups
Media & Additional Resources