Illinois Healthy Soil Policy

Illinois State Flower: Violet

Legislative Status Update

Updates in 2023:

HB4412 (2022) Act concerning regulations; includes in relation to commercial wind energy facilities and commercial solar energy facilities, “(r) To maximize community benefits, including, but not limited to, reduced stormwater runoff, flooding, and erosion at the ground mounted solar energy system, improved soil health, and increased foraging habitat for game birds, songbirds, and pollinators, a county may (1) require a commercial solar energy facility owner to plant, establish, and maintain for the life of the facility vegetative ground cover, consistent with the goals of the Pollinator-Friendly Solar Site Act and (2) require the submittal of a vegetation management plan in the application to construct and operate a commercial solar energy facility in the county. No later than 90 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources shall develop guidelines for vegetation management plans that may be required under this subsection for commercial solar energy facilities. The guidelines must include guidance for short-term and long-term property management practices that provide and maintain native and non-invasive naturalized perennial vegetation to protect the health and well-being of pollinators.” – signed and enacted 1/27/2023

HB2468 [LS] Farmland Conservancy Program; includes soil health in criteria for land improvement grant evaluations – in committee at adjournment

HB3556 [LS] Black Farmer Restoration Program; includes training “with a primary focus on regenerating the soil, ecosystem, and local community” – passed House, in Senate at adjournment

HB3627 [LS] Soil Health Week; first full week of March each year is designated as Soil Health Week – passed House, in Senate at adjournment

SB1701 [LS] Soil & Water Conservation Dist; includes creation of Healthy Soils Initiative – signed and enacted 8/4/2023

HB3817 [LS] Illinois FY2024 budget; includes “provide capacity grants to support soil and water conservation districts, including, but not limited to, developing soil health plans, conducting soil health assessments, peer-to-peer training, convening producer-led dialogues, professional development and travel stipends for meetings and educational events”, increase of funding for programs from $14 million to $18 million. – signed and enacted 6/7/2023

Updates in 2022:

HJR0063/SJR0044 [LS/LS], Soil Health Week, Declares the first full week of March 2022 as “Illinois Soil Health Week” and the Wednesday of that week as “Illinois Soil Health Day” – adopted 3/24/2022

SR0706, compost awareness week, May 1-7, 2022, includes “healthier soils” in declarations – adopted 3/24/2022

SB3471 [LS], Nutrient Loss Reduction, includes creation of Partners for Nutrient Loss Reduction and Illinois Healthy Soils and Watersheds Initiative – stalled in committee

HB3501 [LS], Black Farmer Restoration Program; includes “focus on regenerating the soil, ecosystem, and local community” – stalled in committeeHB5224 [LS], Healthy Soil Act – stalled in committee

Updates in 2021:

HB0804/HB2647/SB1718/SB2436, includes Community Energy, Climate, and Jobs Planning Act; soil health may be in plans

HB3501, Black Farmer Restoration Program; includes “focus on regenerating the soil, ecosystem, and local community”

The Soil and Water Conservation Districts Act

Legislative information

Program Summary

Funding Sources

Lessons Learned

NOT PASSED: Department of Natural Resources-Soil Health Practices

Legislative Information

Program Summary

Funding Sources

Lessons Learned

Partners for Conservation

Legislative Information

Program Summary

Funding Sources

Lessons Learned

State Contacts & Resources

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